
How to Apply For a Job

How to Apply For a Job

Certified Applicants – teachers, administrators, nurses, guidance counselors, central office

All external applicants (and internal applicants applying for administrator positions) must apply through the Dayton Area School Consortium (DASC).

A COMPLETED application includes:

Cover letter specific for this position; updated resume: include your relevant knowledge, skills, and attributes for this position; complete transcripts; completed application on DASC; all licenses and/or certificates; At least 2-3 letters of recommendation and information for at least three references provided in the DASC: both should include your immediate principal/supervisor. Contact information for your principal/supervisor needs to be included in the application.  

All internal candidates who wish to transfer to another school for a lateral posted position must email and submit the following to the principal and superintendent. A COMPLETED application includes:

Cover letter expressing their interest and an updated resume that includes your relevant knowledge, skills, and attributes for this new position.

Support Staff/Classified – bus drivers, certified van drivers, special needs assistants, secretaries, custodians, transportation assistants (aides), technology specialists, and library specialists.

Applicants can apply through the Dayton Dayton Area School Consortium (DASC) or on paper. If by paper, download an application form by clicking HERE and submit the following to:

Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools, attn: Human Resources, 3757 Upper Bellbrook Rd., Bellbrook, OH 45305 by the posted deadline date:

     - District application

     - Resume

     - Cover letter

All internal candidates who wish to transfer to another position must submit a letter of interest stating their qualifications to the Superintendent within five days after the job is posted, not counting the date of posting. 

For any available Supplemental Duty positions such as coaching positions or activity advisors.

  • If you have questions call 937-848-5001, option 5, and then option 2.

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