
Free and Reduced Meals

Your children may qualify for free meals or for reduced priced meals. 
BHS: Breakfast $ 1.75; Lunch $3.75
BMS: Breakfast $1.50; Lunch $3.50
BCI: Breakfast $1.50; Lunch $3
SB: Lunch $3

To apply for free or reduced meals, please use the button below:

Complete your free or reduced lunch application online

Please note that a paper copy of the Free and Reduced Application is also available here.
Parent/guardians will be held responsible for any meal expenses that are accumulated during the time the student is not approved at free or reduced rates. The district will not erase this debt. If you are new to the district and need quick turnaround and approval, please call or email our offices, as we will work with you to ensure your application is processed quickly. Students who were on the program for years 2023-24 will continue their benefits through September 28th. Please get your application in prior to this date for 2024-2025 benefit determination. We will send out a notice prior to switching any students back to paid if current application is not received. Any balances accrued during this time will be the responsibility of the parent to pay off debt.  

Please call or email Christian Alvarez at 937-848-5001 ext. 6105 or [email protected],
or contact Marcia at 937-848-5001 ext. 3112 or [email protected].
© 2025. Bellbrook-Sugarcreek Schools. All Rights Reserved.