
Preschool Enrollment

Preschool Enrollment

If you want to enroll your student into the Bellbrook Preschool for the current school year or a future year, please complete the Google form below for the Preschool Waitlist (purple link). 

The Preschool Waitlist form will hold a spot for your student on the preschool waitlist in the order it was received. Please fill out all of the information and hit SUBMIT. You must be a current Bellbrook resident. Contact for the upcoming school year will typically be made by the end of April. You will receive an email or phone call when a preschool spot is available for the school year in which you would like them to attend and when your child is at least 3 years old AND potty trained. You will then pay a $100 deposit to hold your spot.

Preschool is currently $200 per month for typical students and there is a one-time $70 supply fee. Students only need a backpack and a change of clothes for their additional supplies. They attend an a.m. or p.m. session four days a week for 2 1/2 hours, they do not attend on Wednesday. There is no district transportation/busing for typical students. There are no guarantees for a.m./p.m. and/or teacher preference. If you believe you would qualify for a free lunch program, please let us know and we will provide you with an application to see if you qualify for free or reduced preschool tuition. If you have any additional questions about preschool, please call 937-848-5001 extension 6902 or email jennifer.dreischarf@bss.k12.oh.us

You DO NOT need to sign up on the waitlist if your student has an IEP.

If your student is on an IEP / receiving services, please contact Katie Weber at 937-848-5001 Ext 6921 or email [email protected]

Our preschool director is Traci Womack 937-848-5001 Ext. 6922 or email [email protected] 

Preschool Enrollment Documents

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