I work alongside teachers and parents to help students develop socially and emotionally, and to help remove any barriers they have to learning!
I provide:
Small group counseling (6-8 weeks in length)
Short-term individual counseling
Consultation with parents and teachers
Community resource referrals (including longer term therapy services)
Monthly classroom guidance lessons
How can I support parents?
Helping to handle social or emotional concerns you have about your child.
Improving parent-child communication.
Family difficulties or concerns that affect your child at school
Referrals for community resources.
Understanding the developmental changes of childhood.
Helping your child to be on time to school every day.
Discussing concerns about your child’s academic achievement.
Friendship (Making and keeping friends)
Setting goals
Self Esteem
Self Regulation
Emotional Regulation (Managing strong feelings)
Conflict resolution
How does a student see a school counselor?
Parent referral
Administrative, teacher, or other staff referral
Referral by friend(s)